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Moon Reading- Can it provide useful insight into your life?


Have you ever felt lost and just wanted someone to point you in the right direction? Whether it is an identity crisis, picking a new career, seeking out a new relationship, or just trying to figure out what our place is in the work you may be wondering if someone, somewhere out there must be able to help in some way? Just a little guidance would be helpful, right? I think that's why a lot of people turn to astrology, to help them start to understand themselves better and how they fit into the world around them.

My husband thinks it is all nonsense. I'm a little bit more open minded- I have done several astrology readings over the years that were all hit or miss on how well it depicted me, usually based entirely on my Zodiac sign. The last reading was surprisingly spot on and had way more information for me than I thought it would- it was called a Moon Reading and is based on more than just your Zodiac sign.

Free Moon reading
Does the moon's position when you were born have an effect on your life today?

Most of us know our Zodiac sign, I am an Aries. Even if you are not into astrology you could probably name yours as well. Moon Readings include your signs based on the position of the moon, sun and all the planets at the time you were born and has way more insight into your personality, talents, relationships with other people, even the career you may be best suited for.

Having worked in healthcare for over 15 years, I have heard time and time again when things get crazy at work that "It MUST be a full moon!" But does the moon really have that big effect on our lives? It certainly seems to bring out the crazies in people when the moon is full and has the most energy it just seems to make some people do the stupidest stuff.

While I am not making life decision based just on Astrology, my Moon Reading was very enlightening and helped explained a few things for me. And even better- the initial reading was completely free.

If you're interested in checking out a free Moon Reading to see how accurate it portrays you, click any of the images or buttons on this page to yet your customized reading. Access to the

reading is instant and quick, no obligation to purchase anything though they had a lot of additional information available as well like meditations, chakra clearing, a love life reading, etc. that I found very helpful.

Mon reading, Zodiac Sign
Get your Free Astrology Moon Reading - Click here!

If you get your moon reading drop a comment & let me know- is your Moon Reading accurate for you?


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